

Share Access Via Structured Role Portals

Ensure a secure and controlled DEMS environment.

CivicDocs Helps You:

  • Minimize the risk of unauthorized access
  • Adjust access privilege based on roles
  • Track access to sensitive materials
  • Create guest users from alternative agencies
  • Organize documents with law enforcement and prosecution
  • Share pertinent information with defense teams

Why Structured Roles?

Structured roles can help protect sensitive information by providing clear guidelines for employee-specific information. By defining specific roles and responsibilities, organizations can set appropriate privacy settings for each role and ensure that employees have access only to the information that is necessary for them to perform their job duties. 

Monitor Sensitive Information

CivicDocs’s structured roles can also help organizations monitor and track access to sensitive information, making it easier to identify and address any potential privacy violations. As users add case documents into CivicDocs, users are then able to classify if the documents contain juvenile, HIPPA, sexual, or internal affairs. After, users can also classify if the documents are non-discoverable, redacted, require redaction, or contain criminal history.   

This helps to minimize the risk of unauthorized access to sensitive information and can create a secure and controlled environment for handling confidential information.   

See what CivicEye can do for your organization
