4 Features to Look for when Shopping for Police Technology
Officers like new toys. They like gear that have been tested and proven reliable yet innovative and exciting. What they like even more is when these toys are a part of their daily work lives. And the market is flooded with them. Just go to any law enforcement conference or pick up any journal. Type “patrol vehicle accessories” into any search engine and pages of products will pop up. Images for shopping highlighted. There appears to be an endless selection of things to bling out a patrol car.
Regardless of the product, when it exists for an officer’s tool belt the most important aspect has to be safety. With officers spending so much time in their vehicle, it’s essential that the accessories meet this need first. There are a number of older and newer products that not only meet this need but also the need for ‘toys’.
The market is flooded with the “latest and greatest.” Regardless of the product, there are several things to consider when purchasing police technology.
Meets the Officers Needs
Officers need technology in their car that enhances their time on patrol, not inhibits. Touching base with the officers in your agency to understand what they need will help inform purchasing decisions. Officers face a myriad of situations while in their car, having technology within their car that empowers them with real-time data enables them to approach each situation with strategic insight to keep them safe.
Easy to Use
When on patrol, no officer wants technology in their car that is complex and time consuming. As technology continues to evolve, an officer needs software in their car that had them in mind when building it. A platform like CivicRMS was designed by a cop, for cops in order to help them maximize efficiency on the job. Software within cars needs to navigate in a way that is logical and easy for an officer to understand. Allowing officers to get the information they need in a timely manner is critical.
A good police technology should also be flexible enough to change with an agency as it grows and develops. It’s important that the software can expand with an agency, so an agency never has to start from scratch.
Cloud-Based and Reliable
It is essential for agencies to utilize cloud based software. Sharing data across jurisdictions and accessing data from anywhere via secure login in enables them to work with effieciency. Reliable software is also important as an officer can’t afford to have their system go down when they need it the most.
In addition to being In order for officers to be as effective as possible, it is important for the technology in their car to integrate with other software platforms within their agency. Having a record management solution that integrates with other plug-ins ensures officers are using their time most effectively and prevents them from having to duplicate work.
Streamlines workflow
Police technology should make an officer’s job easier, not harder. That’s why user-friendly interfaces are essential for any software an officer uses in their car. They need records management software that follows the order in which they work, equips them with real-time data in order to inform decision making, and submits validated reports with ease.
Easy-to-use cloud software provides officers with the technology they need to improve their time in the field. Keeping these four points in mind when purchasing technology for your agency will help you better understand what your officers need to do their job safely and effectively.
To learn more about Civic RMS and schedule a demo, click here.