3 Things to Consider when Outfitting Squad Cars
If you’re looking to outfit your squad cars with the latest and greatest tools and technology, there are several vital things to consider to ensure your officers are equipped with the tools they need to best do their job while out in the field.
1. What tools and technology will best help your officers do their job?
This is perhaps the most critical question when outfitting your squad cars, as the tools and technology you provide for your officers should help them do their job more effectively and efficiently.
To determine what tools and technology will best help your officers, consider what sorts of tasks they regularly perform while on duty and what information they need most. When outfitting squad cars, agencies must look at hardware and software.
Mobile computers and tablets: This is a critical piece of hardware for police officers, as it allows them to access the agency’s records management system to pull up and document crucial information and have the ability to print off citations. Laptops and tablets enable officers to be mobile in the field.
Beyond the hardware agencies select for squad cars, they should also purchase software that will enable officers to access data at the click of a button. Modern software keeps both officers and civilians safe. It also allows agencies to gather data to analyze criminal activity.
2. How will your officers use the tools and technology?
Officers encounter a myriad of situations while on patrol. The tools they need vary by situation. Patrol cars are stocked with bags that include extra handcuffs, extra ammunition, flashlights, and more. Officers use these tools in everyday situations as they perform their duties.
Beyond tactical gear, officers’ technology also helps them perform various job functions. With CivicRMS, officers can scan the license, retrieve information in seconds, and understand who they may be dealing with; Does this person have active warrants? Do they have a criminal record? Equipping officers with data in the field allows them to approach situations with more knowledge of who and what they may encounter.
3. What are your officers’ specific needs regarding tools and technology?
When talking to officers across the country, there is an overwhelming response to the need for technology in squad cars. Officers need technology that is easy to use and flows in a way that allows them to fill in the necessary information. When purchasing tools and technology for officers and squad cars, asking and understanding their needs can help inform purchases that will positively impact the department.
No day looks the same for an officer in the field. Their vehicle functions as their office and must be outfitted with the proper tools and technology to help their everyday duties. Tactical equipment is essential, but as crime rates increase and travel across jurisdictions, outfitting cars with mobile data terminals and modern software equips officers with an even more powerful tool; data.
To learn more about Civic RMS and schedule a demo, click here.