A Look at NFCA Annual Training
The CivicEye team recently traveled to Alexandria, Virginia for the National Fusion Center Association Annual Training. We networked with incredible public safety professionals who are committed to using data and technology to create safer communities across the country.
Our team recently attended the National Fusion Center Association (NFCA) Annual Training in Alexandria, Virginia.
The NFCA represents the interest of state and major urban area fusion centers. In addition, they represent the interest of states, tribal nations, and local government units to promote the development and sustainment of fusion centers.
During the conference, we had the opportunity to attend various informative workshops on topics such as countering violent extremism, information sharing best practices, and emerging threats. We also networked with professionals from across the country and learned more about how technology software can advance fusion centers. During the conference, it was evident why these centers and public safety professionals were in attendance: this is a community of people dedicated to studying crime data and solving complex investigative issues.
A few core challenges surrounding fusion centers and public safety we learned about:
- Data collection
- Reliability of data
- Driving actionable intelligence
We had the opportunity to introduce the keynote speaker. During this time, attendees learned about cybersecurity and how fusion centers act as liaisons. It was an informative discussion that left us feeling excited to talk about innovative ideas and solutions to enhance fusion centers and increase community outcomes.
The NFCA Annual Training is an incredible event that allows professionals to gather and talk about public safety and law enforcement complexities. NFCA wants to equip fusion centers across the nation with the tools and resources they need to reduce the harmful effects of crime and terrorism.
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